A good many of couples do not respond positively to counseling, reasons could be myriad but primarily it is due to the fact that their relationships have deteriorated to such an extent where     counseling does not provide workable solutions. In this case, we complement counseling with meditation, puja, yoga etc. As we have already explained, how counseling can save your marriage let’s now discuss one by one, how meditation, puja, yoga can help you lead a blissful married life.


Meditation is known to greatly relief stress and anxiety. Nobody can deny the fact that in today’s fast-faced world, everybody is exposed to exorbitant stress and many people are suffering from depression even without knowing that. In such a stressful situation, in no time they make mountain out of molehill and tend to blow things out of proportion. A mind devoid of stress, anxiety, depression and per-conceived notion can understand others perspective and point of view in a better way. In that state of mind, you do not doubt others but try to understand why a particular person reacts the way he/she is reacting. Your whole outlook towards world and life  is changed and you prefer to be a problem solver and do not get bogged down by problems of life.

In meditative state of mind, we no longer remain fault finders instead attempt to solve a problem through mutual cooperation. Research reveals that meditative couples often enjoy a closer relationship and find it easier to sleep better, communicate, feel more connected, and fight less. Meditation is an antidote for stress and powerful tool for improving intimacy, communication, patience and so much more.


Yoga is yet another powerful tool that can help couples in multifarious ways to improve their married life. You must have heard about various health benefits that yoga extends such as it will decrease stress, better your mood and tone your muscles but a handful of yoga practitioners can let you know that even it can better your relationship with your spouse.

Practice of yoga increases sensitivity. It helps you nurture your relationship with yourself. It helps you make intimate connection with yourself and more available to others. The sensitivity you develop with yourself is a great skill that you can use with others. Be it your partner, family or friend, everybody can notice that augmented sensitivity. Being a sensitive person, you do not ignore the problems of your partner as well as your near or dear ones and get attached with them emotionally.

The biggest benefit attached to the yoga asanas is that it will help you open your body and release your tension. When it comes to your relationships, staying open and receptive is a vital relationship skill. You do not need to defend yourself when you opt to stay open in your relationships. We all know that relationships having high level of defensiveness often do not last. Being less reactive is possible only when you can soften your defenses. Doing yoga can bring profound changes in your married life.


Oftentimes, people are really in a tight spot as they do not understand what is it that actually is buggering up their married life. Counseling, meditation and yoga when everything fails to provide respite we all naturally take shelter in puja. There is nothing that is hidden from god and there is no problem that he can not solve.

Planets exert a great influence on our lives and if they turn inimical to us, we start receiving negative results. Even our married life takes a beating and we do not really understand why it is  happening so. Experts at ApnaKarma will, after analyzing your horoscope, determine what plants are giving you malefic effects and suggest pujas accordingly to alleviate or weed out their negative effects. Untill and unless, no pujas are performed to pacify the planets, marital discord is going to exist.

At Level 2, we attempt to bring peace and harmony in your married life not through counseling alone but compliment it with meditation, yoga and puja also. So by now you would have been visiting counselors to get your marriage problems fixed but when we club together yoga, meditation and puja, all the bitterness can be successfully weeded out of our married life.