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Ayurvedic Remedy for Cold (zukam)

Common cold is caused by a virus that infects nose and throat ( upper respiratory tract) of a person. It usually does not cause any harm but you might not feel that way. There are many kinds of viruses that cause a common cold. However, children younger than six are at greater risks of colds, but healthy adults can also expect two or three colds annually.

Generally people recover from the illness in a week or ten days but people who smoke may remain sick for longer duration of time. Symptoms of a common cold usually appear one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus. The signs and symptoms of the illness include:

• Runny or stuffy nose
• Cough
• Congestion
• Sore throat
• Sneezing
• Slight body aches or a mild headache
• Generally feeling unwell (malaise)
• Low-grade fever

Unfortunately, there is no cure for common cold and you can only deal with the symptoms. However, Ayurvedic remedies can buttress your immune system and your chances to contract the infection dwindles to zero. ‘Hawan’ recommended in the Ayurveda has been seen to be miraculously bringing down the chances of a person to contract infection.

Ayurveda recommends ‘hawan’ to stay away from common cold. A specific set of ingredients that is used to perform havan for person inflicted with Common Cold is called Hawan Samagri. Please refer the list of ingredients below which are used to perform Havan.


Ayurvedic Remedy for Fever

Whenever you have fever, it feels like hell isn’t it? Headache, bodyache, weakness, insomnia and what not comes with fever. When we fall sick, we try to figure out ways so that we could not have fever next time but all our preparation prove futile and we get it over and over again. All to be blamed is our poor immunity which unfortunately no medications can improve. Regular exercise, healthy eating and sleeping habits can certainly beef up our immunity and cut down our chances to contract a disease but they do not guarantee that we will never have fever in the future. Fortunately there is a way out and vedic yagya treatment comes to our rescue. Performing regular havans as recommended by Ayurveda, significantly brings down our chances to catch a fever.


Ayurvedic Remedy for Malaria

Remedy for Malaria – Ingredients of vedic havan samagri to cure Cold Fever (Malaria) Ingredients of Common hawan samagri


Ayurvedic Remedy for Skin Problems

Ayurvedic Remedy for Skin Problems – Ingredients  Ingredients of Common Vedic Havan Samagri

Coronavirus Preventive Care Treatment

Coronavirus Preventive Care Treatment

Rated 4.33 out of 5

We all are well-attuned to that annoying cold and fever and despite our best efforts to keep them at bay, we contract them. They cripple our life and put us in a situation where it becomes difficult to carry out our day to day functions. Unfortunately, they are caused by viruses that do not respond to many medicines, consequently we are thrown into a hapless situation, where we have to live through all the pain and sufferings.
What if, we never contract the infection, if it happens so, we won’t need to seek treatment. It has evidently been mentioned in the books of Ayurveda that we can easily avert catching a cold and fever if we perform regular ‘havans’. The ingredients necessary to perform hawan is called Hawan Samagri. We have listed below ingredients (Vedic Havan Samagri) necessary to perform hawan to prevent and cure coronavirus.


Havan Samagri to cure Cold Fever

Ingredients of hawan samagri to cure Cold Fever Ingredients of Common hawan samagri


Havan samagri to cure Cough

Generally speaking, there is absolutely no problem with coughing. A cough can help to keep your throat clear from phlegm and other irritants. However, continued coughing can be a sign of a number of conditions such as a bacterial infection, viral infection or an allergy.

Whatever be the cause, it can be successfully treated with a wide range of medicines that are available over-the-counter. But these medicines can just treat it and not prevent it to reoccur. However, by performing regular Hawan, recommended in the Ayurveda to cure cough, you not only cure your cough but also prevent it to reoccur in the future. We have listed below the ingredients (Hawan Samagri) used in the hawan.


Havan samagri to Cure Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. Symptoms of dengue fever include:

• Severe joint and muscle pain
• Swollen lymph nodes
• Headache
• Fever
• Exhaustion
• Rash

Characteristics of dengue fever are the presence of fever, rash and headache (the “dengue traid”). No specific treatment for dengue fever exists. Your doctor may recommend you to drink plenty of fluids to compensate loss of fluid owing to high fever and vomiting. However dengue can be both cured as well prevented with the help of Ayurvedic Treatment for Dengue. The presence of fever, rash, and headache (the “dengue triad”) is characteristic of dengue fever. As depicted in the Ayurveda books, hawan can both cure and prevent Dengue fever. We have listed below ingredients (Hawan Samagri) necessary to perform hawan for cold and fever.


Havan samagri to Get rid of Viral Fever

When you catch a fever due to viral infestation, it is called viral fever. No allopathic medicines respond to viral fever and viruses are opulent in the environment, so the only way to prevent viral infection is to sweep them away from the environment which can only be done through vedic yagya remedy. Hawan is the efficacious way to check the growth of viruses in the atmosphere, once the environment is devoid of viruses, we will not catch any infection. Many researches all over the world have established the scientific basis of ‘Hawan’ which is why it is gaining currency even in western world. Ayurveda recommends specific hawan to ward off a particular disease. By performing regular ‘Hawan’ recommended in the Ayurveda to wipe out viral fever, a person cuts down his/her chances to have viral fever. We have listed below the ingredients (Hawan Samagri) used in the hawan.


Home Remedy for Fever – Havan Samagri

If you catch a fever and it continues for up to 21 days, it is termed as chronic fever. Sometimes, the temperature in this fever become high and sometimes low. If a person suffers from weakness and indigestion, he/she falls prey to chronic fever. However, Ayurvedic medicines successfully cure the chronic fever but you will be pleased to know that even you can ward it off with the help of home remedy for fever. Regular Hawan provides you complete protection against chronic fever and it is unlikely that you ever suffer from Chronic Fever if you regularly perform havans recommended by Ayurveda to subdue it.

We have listed ingredients (Hawan Samagri) below that are used to perform Havan to relieve the patients of chronic fever.


Leucoderma Home Remedy

Leucoderma is the gradual loss of skin pigment, called melanin, from layers of the skin. White patches occur all over the body including genitals, face and scalp. It is also commonly known as Vitiligo. There are many factors that lead to the development of Leucoderma that include:

• Chronic gastric problems
• Improper Liver functions
• Excessive stress or worry
• Worms/parasites in the digestive system
• Consumption of opposite food items ( e.g. milk and fish together)
• Burns and Injuries
• Hereditary

Even after taking exorbitant allopathic medicines, most of the patients do not report improvement. Hawan recommended in the Ayurveda provides noticeable improvement in very short span of time.


Natural remedy for Asthma

Unlike earlier days, when the pain and trauma that a patient suffering from Asthma and   Chronic Bronchitis used to experience was inexplicable, now with the advancement of medical science, Asthma and Bronchitis are no longer the diseases to be mourned over. Allopathic medicines provide short term relief so  you feel better as long as you continue taking medications, you have to continuously take prescribed medication, be it in small or large amount. Be it Homeopathy,  Ayurveda or other kinds of treatment system,  you have to be dependent on medicines. Yoga and meditation can provide you a sigh of relief but they also not fully cure the disease or take time to show the results but with the help of Vedic Yagya Treatment, you can completely do away with Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis. All you have to do is to perform regular hawans recommended by Ayurveda to beat Asthma, Bronchitis and their deleterious effects on the body.

A specific set of ingredients that is used to perform havan for person inflicted with Asthma, Chronic is called Hawan Samagri. Please refer the list of ingredients below which are used to perform Havan. 


Natural Remedy for Fever and Cold

We all are well-attuned to that annoying cold and fever and despite our best efforts to keep them at bay, we contract them. They cripple our life and put us in a situation where it becomes difficult to carry out our day to day functions. Unfortunately, they are caused by viruses that do not respond to many medicines, consequently we are thrown into a hapless situation, where we have to live through all the pain and sufferings.

What if, we never contract the infection, if it happens so, we won’t need to seek treatment. It has evidently been mentioned in the books of Ayurveda that we can easily avert catching a cold and fever if we perform regular ‘havans’. The ingredients necessary to perform hawan is called Hawan Samagri.

We have listed below ingredients (Vedic Havan Samagri) necessary to perform hawan for cold and fever.


Thalassemia Ayurvedic Treatment (Remedy)

Blood disorders can put your life on hold so it is imperative to diagnose the illness and seek necessary treatment at the earliest. The onset of a blood disorder may present itself with numerous symptoms that include:

• Swelling of the joints
• Internal bleeding
• Easy bruising
• Bloody urine
• Bloody stools
• Prolonged bleeding after cuts
• Tightness of the joints
• Surgical procedures
• Spontaneous nose bleeds
• Tooth removal

However, most of us flock to the doctors when we experience any of the symptoms mentioned above who,in turns, put us on medications. Here, it is noteworthy that even after popping up so many pills and getting so many tests done no doctor can guarantee that the disease will be cured permanently or within a specified time-frame but Ayurveda promises permanent cure, however not so expeditiously. Now when, the efficacy of Ayurvedic medicines have stood the test of time and people across the world are accepting it open-heartedly, it’s time to try out another important Ayurvedic treatment called ‘Hawan’.

Ayurveda recommends ‘hawan’ to treat any kind of blood disorders. A specific set of ingredients that is used to perform havan for person inflicted with Blood Disorders is called Hawan Samagri. Please refer the list of ingredients below which are used to perform Havan.


Typhoid Fever – Vedic Yagya Treatment

Ingredients of hawan samagri to cure Tified Fever diseases (Ayurvedic Treatment of Typhoid) Ingredients of Common hawan samagri


Visham Jwar – Vedic Yagya Chikitsa

Ingredients of Vedic Havan Samagri to cure Visham Jwar Ingredients of Common Vedic Havan Samagri