Bhagavad Gita Path Katha

Bhagavad Gita Path is an epic scripture that extends solutions to all our life problems. A good many of us still derive inspiration from Bhagavad Gita when we do not see one ray of hope on the horizon and disappointments stare us in the face. When Arjuna got aggrieved and confused at the battlefield of Kurukshetra, he turned to Lord Krishna, his charioteer, for advice and Lord Krishna expressed some rational ideas that are relevant even today. Gita is also called Gitopanishad.          

Arjuna, a prince, a hero, and a great warrior, slipped into depression and became indecisive when he realized that he had to fight his own cousins for his rights. Krishna asked Arjuna to cast aside all kinds of sorrows and just do his duty. He taught him the right path of action, the true nature of the soul, the universe and God. Bhagwat Gita is considered to be the essence of Vedic Information.

Benefits of Bhagavad Gita Path | Katha

  •  Freedom from sorrow and fear
  • Attainment of Lord Vishnu’s abode
  • When done along with Pranayama (breath-control exercises), sins of even past births are destroyed.
  • It destroys Samsaramala, the dirt/waste that a person accumulates over time by living in the world.
  • The reader does not take birth ever again.


पूजन सामग्री

Roli  (रोली) – 1 packet, Rice  (चावल) – 1kg, Dhoop (धूप) – 1 Packet, Kapoor (कपूर) – 50g, Coconut (pani wala)  नारियल (पानी वाला) – 1, Gola giri  (गोला गिरी) – 1, Towel (तौलिया) – 1, Ghee (घी) – 500g, Honey (शहद) – 1 Bottle, Bura  (बुरा) – 250g, Janeu  (जनेऊ) – 5, Sindoor (सिन्दुर) – 1, PacketGulaal ( गुलाल) – 1 Packet, Perfume (इत्र) – 1 Bottle, Sweet (मिठाई) – 500g, Fruit (फल) – 15, Paan  (पान) – 9, Supari   (सुपारी) – 9, Clove  (लौंग) – 9, Elaichi  (इलाइची) – 9, Kalawa  (कलावा) – 2, Durva  (दूर्वा),  Rui Matchbox  (रूई माचिस) Dona,   (दोना) – 1 Packet, Yellow mustard   (पीली सरसों) – 50g, White Kapda (सफेद कपडा)  – 1.25 Mt, Panchrang  (पँचरंग) – 1 Packet, Mitti ka kalash  (मिट्टी का कलश) – 1.

घर की सामग्री

Flower ( फूल) – 250g, Flower mala (फूल माला) – 2, Milk  (दूध) – 100g, Curd  (दही) – 100g, Sweet (मिठाई) – 500g, Fruit (फल) – 15, Plate (थाली) – 2, Spoon (चम्मच) – 2, Bowl (कटोरी) – 2, ,  Tulsi leaf (तुलसी की पत्ती), Blanket (कंबल) – 2, sand (रेत), Beachhead (चौकी) – 1, hawan kund (हवन कु्ंड).

Without Puja Material (पूजा सामग्री के बिना)

Total number of hours – 40 hours

Number of days – 10 Days

4 hours per day

Number of pandit – 1

Rs. 14000

With Puja Material (पूजा सामग्री के साथ)

Total number of hours – 40 hours

Number of days – 10 Days

4 hours per day

Number of pandit – 1

Puja Items (पूजा का सामान)

Rs. 15500

Customize Puja

This is to provide flexibility in arrangement of performing this puja, and the cost of Puja/Events/Pujan samagri/Instruments/Musicians/Singers/ can be selected/finalized as per your budget and we will plan all arrangements accordingly.

We will decide upon below as per your desire, spiritual level and your availability out of daily busy life.

Total number of hours per day

Total number of days

Total number of pandit

Pujan samagri/Items as per your choice

Knowledge and explanation of every puja activity and mantras

Fill below form to submit your interest